If you have irregular menstrual cycles, it can be difficult to determine if and when ovulation is occurring. This is particularly a cause of concern when you are trying to conceive. In such a situation, we can help you get pregnant through ovulation induction treatment.
Ovulation induction is a hormonal therapy used for stimulating the development and release of eggs. Medication known as fertility drugs may be used for inducing ovulation in women who don’t ovulate, particularly women having irregular menstrual cycles. The objective is to help with the production of healthy eggs. The specialists at our center will ensure that you understand the process of how to induce ovulation.
Ovulation induction also helps in increasing the number of eggs that mature in each cycle for increasing the chances of conceiving. This method is known as controlled ovarian hyperstimulation or superovulation. A hormone known as the follicle-stimulating hormone is administered by injection for this treatment.
If you have irregular menstrual cycles, we may monitor with the help of ultrasound or perform hormone assessments for helping identify the time of the month you are fertile. This improves your chances of conceiving naturally.
Before we treat ovulation problems, we perform certain tests for establishing the cause. This includes an ultrasound of the womb and ovaries of women and also blood tests for measuring various hormones like thyroid, LH, FSH, testosterone, prolactin and other androgens. Our healthcare specialists also check if the ovary will be able to respond to drug treatment. Ovarian failure is a common reason for failed ovulation, you might know it as menopause. If the concentration level of AMH is low and FSH is high when the measurement is done at the beginning of a period, it is likely that ovarian failure will occur. Fertility treatment is usually less successful in such cases.
In case ovulation doesn’t occur, egg production may be stimulated by administering medications at the start of menstruation. If tablets fail to work, we may need to use fertility injections for stimulating the production of eggs in ovaries. Our doctors will guide you throughout the process.
What is ovulation induction?
The process of stimulating ovulation in women having absent or irregular ovulation with the use of medications is known as ovulation induction. Recent studies show that 25-30% of women having infertility have issues with ovulation.
The normal process of ovulation involves a mature egg being released by the ovary to prepare that egg for fertilization. In case the fertilization doesn’t take place, the endometrium which is the lining of the uterus sheds and is naturally cleared from the uterus.
When ovulation is unpredictable or takes place once every 35 days, it is said to be irregular. Oligo ovulation is when the duration or interval of ovulation is entirely unpredictable. Anovulation is when ovulation doesn’t take place at all. Fertility is impacted by ovulatory issues since it makes ovulation less predictable and may even potentially impact the availability of an egg for fertilization.
The main objective of ovulation induction services is to increase the chances of a woman to conceive a child, be it through sexual intercourse or through fertility treatment like intrauterine insemination (IUI). The absence of ovulation may also be symptoms of another fertility problem. In such cases, treatment of the underlying condition can help restore fertility and normal ovulation. The specialists at the fertility clinic will ensure that all your queries regarding how to induce ovulation are cleared.
What medications do I need to take for ovulation induction?
A variety of hormone-based medications are used for Ovulation Induction therapy. These medications regulate the reproductive hormones of a woman to improve the chance of ovulation. Some medications that are commonly used include:
Clomiphene citrate: It is used for stimulating ovulation in women having normal pituitary hormones but the usual monthly hormonal changes do not occur. Its brand name is siphene, which is what most patients know it by.
Aromatase inhibitors: The indications for this medication is similar to those for clomiphene citrate. It is particularly effective in patients having PCOS. It is commonly known as Letrozole or letroz, which its brand name.
Insulin-sensitizing agents: These medications are used in patients with PCOS with insulin resistance. It is commonly known by the name of metformin, myo-inositol.
Gonadotropins: This consists of two hormones which can be injected – FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones are produced normally by the pituitary gland and are known to help the development of the egg. Since gonadotropins stimulate the development of egg powerfully, they need to be monitored more frequently than letrozole and clomiphene citrate. Multiple pregnancies is a risk associated with this medication along with OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), which causes the ovaries to be swollen and overstimulated.
In other cases, ovulation can resume naturally in another condition, such as hypothyroidism or obesity is treated.
Who is ovulation induction meant for?
In general, ovulation induction is one of the most common treatment options for women having infrequent or absent ovulation. Women who have disorders like PCOS, which interrupts ovulation, can also make use of ovulation induction treatment.
Ovulation Induction therapy is also commonly used along with IVF or in vitro fertilization to stimulate the release of multiple mature eggs to be collected and used in the laboratory for fertilization. This process is known as controlled ovarian hyperstimulation.
Our healthcare specialists look for certain factors to determine whether ovulation induction should be used or not. These include:
Disorders like PCOS can have a direct impact on normal ovulation.
Hormonal levels of a woman, particularly the presence of LH, AMH, and FSH.
Disorders that have an indirect effect on ovulation, such as eating disorders, obesity, and thyroid disorders.
The amount of exercise done by the woman.
What are the side effects and risks of ovulation induction?
Very rarely, OHSS may be caused by medications used for ovulation induction. Consult your doctor immediately if you have any of the following side effects:
Difficulty in breathing.
Tenderness in the pelvic region.